Present:  Andre Anglehart, Lenneke Bowles Norm Estey, Joanne Kern, Larry Legault, Neil Long, Bobby Neid, Wendi Prinse,

        Bruce Renwick, Gary Roberts, Dave Stephenson          

Regrets:   Fred Snooks

Absent: Adam Dyck


1.0    Meeting called to order by Larry at 7:01 pm


2.0    It was moved by Bobby and 2nd by Joanne that the minutes of Oct 21, 2015 be accepted as amended. CARRIED


3.0    There was no business arising from the minutes


4.0    Correspondence:  Wendi received an email from BC Society re a survey.  Wendi to complete online.  We received information on the Club Challenge which will be held April 8-10, 2016.  Bruce will email details.




5.1    Coffee News advertising.  Costs are $25/week per zone for 13 week commitment.  ($397.50 plus tax).  Maybe look at this for pre-season next year.  Tabled and bring forward in spring to review



6.1    Crank Calls – we have been receiving crank calls again.  RCMP notified and Larry sent an email to membership

6.2    Curl BC Auditor Change – we have emailed a YES to accept.


7.0    TREASURER’S REPORT - Lenneke presented figures and we are continuing to hold strong.



                        1. Club is extremely busy with bookings beyond regular leagues.

Rentals-                 Oct. 23-Retirement party                                                  Oct. 24-Untiy Christian School Staff Ice Rental

                        Oct. 30-Halloween Dance                                                                Nov. 7-Mertins Ice Rental   

                        Nov. 13-15-Melting/Flooding/Scraping                              Nov. 20-22- Pot of Gold Bonspiel

                        Nov. 22- Open House                                                          Nov. 27-anglehart Birthday party

                        Nov. 28/29-Over 80’s Bonspiel                                                Nov. 28-Twin Maples Xmas party-Ice/Lounge

                        Dec. 4-Ken Britz 50th birthday                                                Dec. 4-Bernard Elementary School

                        Dec. 5-Wedding Reception                                              Dec. 11- Ice Rental

                        Dec. 12- Roger Foods Xmas                                      Dec. 13-X-Mas Party-Ice/Lounge

                        Dec. 19-Cascade Roofing Xmas Party                           Dec. 21-23-Masters Mini Xmas Bonspiel

After Christmas bookings-All Saturdays and most Sundays now booked beyond our regular rentals.


School Rentals-Promontory 3 times before Xmas

                                        -Unity Christian-2 times before Xmas

                                        -2 Fridays open after Christmas –all others                 booked until Spring Break

Elder College –program going very well with 12 students.  Most will want to join leagues after xmas.  We have signed on to

        run another session in their Spring Semester and will try to make this a regular course in their program twice a year.

         This should help with the day league recruitment.

Melting/Flooding/Scraping – Ken and James spent 60 man hours last weekend melting/scraping and flooding.

         The house on sheet four at the far end was fixed with a vinyl house ordered through Jet Ice.  We will be exploring

        going to all vinyl rings and trying to sell to advertisers to recoup our costs.  Rocks will be conditioned over the

        Christmas break.


Questions or concerns?










9.1    Awards Committee:  The Pub night raised $633.00 for Frank Jamieson


9.2    Bonspiels & Leagues Committee:  The board said no to a suggestion to hold a Stick Challenge or Draw to the button Fundraiser during bonspiels.


9.3    Building & Facility Enhancement Committee:  A few of the signs on ice need screw replacements and/or anchors. 


9.4    Executive Committee: n/a


9.5    Finance & Revenue Generation Committee:  Grey Cup pools for New Building Fund / Junior Curling & Sandra Schmirler funds.


9.6    Ice Conditions Committee:  just completed a burn and flood


9.7    Juniors & Clinics Committee:

There are fewer kids and instructors this year.  Wendi & Joann to create a flyer to hand out to the Rocks n’ Rings program participants in Chilliwack about our Junior Program.


9.8    Membership Recruitment & Retention Committee:  November 22nd is our Open House from 2:00 – 4:00 pm.  Larry to email membership.  Bobby reminded us that we need to draw name for Member Recruitment Awards program.   


9.9    New Building Committee:  Larry reported that city to meet last week to decide on consultant.  No further news


9.10                         Social Committee:  Halloween was not crowded but a good turnout.  Good bar sales.


9.11                           Curl BC:  Dave reported:

-          Talked about open house and year ends events for 55+

-          Tattoos and decals

-          Society Act is changing

-          They like our Club Buck program.


10.0                          REMARKS

10.1                        – Past/Vice President:  Andre suggested a Reg. Spare Fee $120/per annum for Night league and should be a shareholder.


10.2                         - President: n/a


11.0                          NEXT MEETING:  Wednesday, Dec 16, 2015 @ 7:00 pm.


12.0                          Meeting adjourned at 8:11 pm.