Present: Lenneke Bowles, Adam Dyck, Dave Stephenson,
Larry Legault, Bruce Renwick, Gary Roberts,
Neil Long, Norm Estey (phone)
Absent: Andre
Anglehart, Joanne Kern, Bobby Neid, Wendi Prinse, Fred Snook
1. Agenda |
Approval of Agenda – |
2. Minutes |
Approval of Minutes – - Sept 14, 2015.
Amendment of Halloween date from 20th to 30th, also
9.7.2 strike out sentence re Gary moved by Dave & 2nd by Gary
to accept as presented. Carried |
Business arising from the minutes |
None |
Correspondence |
- Letter from Walter
Susel #598 to redeem shares from 1966, moved by Dave & 2nd by
Neil, Carried - Larry listed names of
new member applicants – Dave moved and 2nd by Neil, Carried. |
5. Old
Business |
05.1 International Tankard - Neil gave a report re the status of the planning. Helen Murray is to Cater, the Mayor to
sing O Canada, Piper to find, Budget is $2,700, plus funds raised on 50/50,
he needs volunteers |
6. New
Business |
6.1 RBC sports day in Canada - Grant application has
been received, to apply to have $300 to hold open house Sunday, same time as
open Ice. |
7. Treasurer’s Report |
7.1.Report attached - Strong financial position. Cash balance
has increased |
8. Manager’s Report |
8.1 - Dues collection is good, - Safety Authority
requirements have been met. The next inspection is in four years - Wendy and Doreen
closed the Jr Championship account for over $6,000 -
Wall sign invoices will be completed next week -
Elder college starts tomorrow for six weeks - Larry thanked Bruce
for all his hard work re the Safety Authority |
9. Committee |
9.1 – Awards committee – no meeting . |
9.2 Bonspiels and Leagues
Committee - The social mixed lost
a team. - Some leagues missing
a member of a team -
Canadian Cancer Proposal re Fund Raising TBA |
9.3 Building/Facility Enhancement
Committee -
Fred is away with no report - Other members reported
that the west wall was repainted - Bottle washer is coming - Dummy cameras have been
ordered but help is needed for install on ladder |
9.4 Executive Committee – No report |
9.5 Finance Committee - Nothing to
report. |
9.6 Ice
Committee - Sheet one is off – looking into
it - Sheet 4 new ring has
been ordered and will be put in when they flood in November |
Junior & clinics Committee 9.7.1 – Neal needs details 9.7.2 – Janet is being
approached to be coordinator, with Jane Adams, Ken Britz, Lisa Deputan - Little Rockers are strong |
9.8 Membership Recruitment &
Retention -
Coffee News ad is $260 for 13 weeks – Bruce to look into -
Elder college – 13 people - Consider Saturday
morning league, for next Fall, also Saturday night league, and Sunday night |
9.9 New Building Committee – No news |
9.10 Social Committee - Kevin Goosen is Top Dog – there
were 30 entries - Halloween Party is
Oct 30th, all arrangements are lined up, will buy more decorations |
9.11 Curl BC -
Thanks to Bruce for hosting on Sunday - Report presented re
rethrows rule, Curler 55+ Intro to Curling suggested for end of season as
well as the beginning of the season, they Liked Bruce’s hosting of an Elder
college, considering starting an “Ask the Expert” on Facebook, New West
Marketing Student program- to see how to market curling |
Remarks |
10.1 Past / Vice President – No remarks |
10.2 President – Thank you |
11. Next
Meeting |
November 18, 2015 |
Adjournment |
Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm |