Present:  Andre Anglehart, Lenneke Bowles, Adam Dyck,  Joanne Kern,  Larry Legault,  Bobby Neid, Wendi Prinse, Bruce                                    Renwick, Gary Roberts, Fred Snooks, Dave Stephenson

Regrets:  Norm Estey, Neil Long



1.0    Meeting called to order by Larry at 7:01 pm


2.0    It was moved by Fred and 2nd by Bobby that the minutes of Aug 24, 2015 be accepted as amended. CARRIED


3.0    There was no business arising from the minutes


4.0     Correspondence:  We received a thank you note from Bowls of Hope for our donation to their Silent Auction.  It was moved by Lenneke and 2nd by Joanne that we accept membership applications from Stacy Holt & Caitlin Campbell. CARRIED.



5.1    Committee Members:  Confirmed that Dave will be on  the Building Committee



6.1    Linda Walthers is the new President of the Day Ladies and joined us to introduce herself.  Also requested that all correspondence to Day Ladies be directed to her.

6.2    City By-Law – Smoking ban on property.  Larry will send out an email to make members aware.  We should really remove the ashtrays.  We are responsible to the bottom of the stairs, but not the parking lot.



7.1    Lenneke reported that we are strong financially and that there was nothing significant to note at this time.



1.       We are up and running and start up went very smoothly

2.       The pro shop orders are in.

3.       Had a meeting last week with the Safety Authority official and he will be good to work with.  We are still working on getting final approval on our plant.



9.1    Awards Committee:  Fred advised that the Masters had approved the $300.00 top up to the bursaries.  Wendi emailed the winners and the contact at First West (Frank Jamieson manager).   Pub night will be held on November 14th, 2015.

9.2    Bonspiels & Leagues Committee: 

9.2.1                       Larry provided updates on leagues.  Overall we are down 6 teams at this point

9.2.2                       Lenneke is going to check on how GST relates to bonspiel fees.

9.3    Building & Facility Enhancement Committee:  The building has been tagged three more times.  Bruce to look into the possibility of getting a graphic artist student to do a mural.  Need some No Smoking signs. Fred to order and install.  Still need some painting and wall patching inside building.  Sheet 3 camera needs correcting, Sheet 4 needs adjusting as well at #1 and #6 are off kilter.  Bruce has one quote of $4500.00 for Compressor Room roof .  He is waiting for some more quotes.


9.4    Executive Committee: no report


9.5    Finance & Revenue Generation Committee:  no report

9.6    Ice Conditions Committee:  Ice is pretty nice. J


9.7    Juniors & Clinics Committee:  Clinic starts tomorrow.

9.7.1.  Have not had an answer from Neil about chairing committee.

9.7.2.  Bruce confirmed that Donna Allen will run the Little Rockers on Mondays.  Working on Janet Klebe, Doug Marshall, Lisa Deputan to help out on Tuesday with the Juniors.



9.8    Membership Recruitment & Retention Committee:  Bobby reported that we are going to continue with the “Sponsor a Member” program this year.  The open house had approximately 28 in attendance.  Suggested working on a Social night on October 17th.  $20.00 to cover curling, pizza and a beer.  We should have entertainment and Bruce to run a newspaper ad. 


9.9    New Building Committee:  no report



9.10                         Social Committee:

9.10.1                   Andre to send out email about Top Dog Contest on October 2nd.

9.10.2                   Halloween Party – we agreed to host one on the 30th.  Bruce to ask Mike Walters to DJ.


9.11                         Curl BC Report:  Dave reported that it was yesterday.  He had an information package for Neil with regards to the International Tankard.  Scott Braley spoke about insurance and reminded all clubs to report membership by February.  Next meeting to be held in our club on October 18th at 10 am.  Next AGM will be held at Howe Sound.


10.0                          REMARKS

10.1                        – Past/Vice President:  Andre is excited about the upcoming year.

10.2                         - President:  will not be using a stick this year!


11.0                          NEXT MEETING:  Monday, Oct 21, 2015 @ 7:00 pm.


12.0                          Meeting adjourned at 7:58 pm.