Present:  Adam Dyck, Joanne Kern,  Larry Legault,  Bobby Neid, Wendi Prinse, Bruce Renwick, Gary Roberts,

                        Fred Snooks

Regrets:  Andre Anglehart, Lenneke Bowles, Norm Estey, Neil Long, Dave Stephenson,



1.0    Meeting called to order by Larry at 7;10 pm


2.0    It was moved by Bobby and 2nd by Joanne that the minutes of July 20, 2015 be accepted as amended. CARRIED


3.0    There was no business arising from the minutes


4.0    No Correspondence




5.1    Committee Members:  Confirmed that Fred will chair the Building Committee



6.1    James has requested to take the 4th Class Power Engineer course.  It will be needed for the new building.  Cost is approximately $2000.  It was moved by Joanne & 2nd by Gary that the club pay for this. CARRIED



7.1    Bruce confirmed that we will be receiving $34,700 from the Gaming Commission.



                        1. Plant was started today and James has wet the sand in preparation of freezing the floor to start building ice. 

                        Ice will be ready to paint on Sept. 6 and 7 with the ice ready for playing at 1 pm on Sept. 12 for the open house.

                        Ice paint has arrived


                        2. B.C. Safety Authority was notified that we were starting the plant today on August 17.  We have had an

                        engineer report done on our exhaust fan, the ammonia cloud possibilities as well as the evacuation area needed

                        in case of an emergency.  The garage door was removed and emergency exit doors from the room were

                        installed.  Alarm hardware was changed.  A fresh air intake with louvers will be installed this week at which time

                        the ducting on the exhaust will be redone.  All of these things are part of the new B52 regulations that we are

                        trying to achieve to become a risked access status.


                        3. Ice paint is back room and pro shop orders will arrive first week of Sept.


                        4. I sent an email out today looking for another part-timer as Sandi is taking a course this winter.  I hope to fill

                        the position with a club member or family.  Lou, Janet and Ken are returning.  Aaron has moved and Ken will be

                        the part time ice technician with Steph and Ali filling in at night for the late draws cleaning and pebbling.  Ken

                        has been registered for the Level One ice technician course in Port Moody on Sept. 2 & 3.  Cost of that course is

                        $300 which the club paid for.


                        5. Etiquette sign and business cards have been ordered and will be here for the start of the season.


                        6. James would like to take his fourth class power engineer course by correspondence this winter and has asked

                        that we pay for the course.  The course is $350.00 and the books and manuals are $1150.00.  Then the cost to

                        write the exam is $375.00.  We will need a fourth class power engineer in the new building and it is my    

                        recommendation that the club pay for this course for him.


                        7. Questions and concerns?









9.1    Awards Committee:  Wendi moved that we recommend Cailin Cooke for the John Roberts Bursary and Kathlyn Jarvis for the Frank Jamieson Bursary.  2nd by Adam. CARRIED.


9.2    Bonspiels & Leagues Committee:  Larry gave a detailed report on league updates.  Overall we are down by 6 teams but it is still early.



9.3    Building & Facility Enhancement Committee:  De-Humidifier installed.  Larry suggested a Painting Party / Dinner for the Board of Directors.  Info to go out on email. 


9.4    Executive Committee: n/a



9.5    Finance & Revenue Generation Committee:  Advertising invoicing and collection almost complete.


9.6    Ice Conditions Committee:  n/a



9.7    Juniors & Clinics Committee:

1.       Larry has asked Neil Long to chair this committee

2.       Wendi confirmed that Rick & Doreen Jones will run the clinic Sept 15-17th.



9.8    Membership Recruitment & Retention Committee:  Party in the Park – rained out of one and the other one was really slow.  Leisure guide submission for next printing has been done. 


9.9    New Building Committee:  Larry reported that the committee has met once with the city.  He distributed our Vision List and our Wish List for review.



9.10                         Social Committee:  n/a


10.0                          REMARKS

10.1                        – Past/Vice President:  n/a

10.2                         - President: n/a


11.0                          NEXT MEETING:  Monday, Sept 14, 2015 @ 7:00 pm.


12.0                          Meeting adjourned at 7:53 pm.