Present: Andre Anglehart, Lenneke Bowles, Adam Dyck,
Rob Garf, Larry Legault, Bobby Neid,
Wendi Prinse, Bruce Renwick, Gary Roberts, Fred Snooks
Regrets: Neil Long, Dave Stephenson
Agenda |
Approval of Agenda – moved by
Larry & 2nd by Rob to
accept as amended. Carried. |
Minutes |
Approval of Minutes –April 8,
2015 moved by Lenneke & 2nd by Bobby to accept as amended.
Carried |
03. Correspondence |
Letter from First West Foundation re funds available for disbursement
for the Frank Jamieson Memorial High School Curling Bursary Fund. |
04. Old Business |
4.1 Committee Reports for
AGM – Andre still needs a few of these submitted |
05. New Business |
05.1 Approval of Board Member Nominations: It was moved by Larry and 2nd
by Rob to accept this slate. Fred
Snooks, Neil Long, Dave Stephenson, Norm Estey, Al Vanderveen & Joanne
Kern. Carried. |
05.2 Clinic. It appears that the Jones family will be
here to run the clinic in the fall. |
Wendi to confirm |
05.3 Curling Club
Business Cards. It was
suggested that we have business cards to help promote the club. |
Bruce to look into this for the fall. |
06. Curl BC Report |
No report |
07. Manager’s Report |
Bruce reported: -
Darts are finished and their playoffs are on May 2nd. -
Rentals. Had 9 in April, 5 in
May, 3 in June and currently none in July/August. -
Pro shop items have been ordered. |
08. Rocks n’ Rings |
Wendi reported that 2 days coming up at Bernard Elementary. No word on replacement instructor. Curl BC hopes to run a training session in
June. |
Wendi to Contact Will Sutton @ Curl BC |
09. Reports |
09.1 Executive – n/a |
09.2 Finance / Treasurer
& Revenue Generation – Lenneke reported: - revenues are up from last year - expenses are up too - Utilities are down. Lenneke suggested looking at putting some more money into the reserve
fund. There is a certain percentage
of the budget that is allowable for this.
It was moved by Larry and 2nd by Wendi that we increase the
restricted amount from $125,000 to $165,000.
Carried. |
09.3 Bonspiels &
Leagues: n/a |
09.4 Juniors &
Clinics. n/a |
09.5 Social. Andre confirmed our event
at Kinkora on May 31st.
Checking with Swiss Chalet on numbers for dinner. |
Membership Recruitment & Retention. Bobby reported Party in the Park has
lowered their prices and the number of events. It is now $25 per night and there will be 2 in July and 2 in
August. Time is 4:30 – 9:00. Bobby will sign us up but needs volunteers
and use of Wendi’s tent. |
Building / Facility Enhancement.
n/a |
09.8 Awards. Wendi reported that one form is in so far
of the 4 applications sent out. They
are due May 31st. |
Wendi to send out a reminder. |
09.9 New Building. Rick Jones has agreed to sit on the
committee. He has lots of experience
with the recent Senior High School building project. |
10. Remarks |
10.1 Past President – n/a |
10.2 Vice-President . Larry reminded us about the Sports hero
award on May 13th. |
10.3 President - n/a |
11. In Camera Session |
12.Next Meeting |
May 28 following AGM for
the purpose of electing officers. Fred and Neil will be away. |
13.Adjournment |
Andre adjourned the
meeting at 7:42 PM |