Present:  Andre Anglehart, Lenneke Bowles, Adam Dyck, Rob Garf, Larry Legault,  Bobby Neid, Wendi Prinse, Bruce Renwick, Gary Roberts, Fred Snooks

Regrets:   Neil Long, Dave Stephenson






01.    Agenda

Approval of Agenda – moved by Larry & 2nd by  Rob to accept as amended.  Carried.



02.    Minutes

Approval of Minutes –April 8, 2015 moved by Lenneke & 2nd by Bobby to accept as amended. Carried



03. Correspondence

Letter from First West Foundation re funds available for disbursement for the Frank Jamieson Memorial High School Curling Bursary Fund.


04. Old Business

4.1 Committee Reports for AGM – Andre still needs a few of these submitted



05. New Business

05.1  Approval of Board Member Nominations:  It was moved by Larry and 2nd by Rob to accept this slate.  Fred Snooks, Neil Long, Dave Stephenson, Norm Estey, Al Vanderveen & Joanne Kern. Carried.




05.2 Clinic.  It appears that the Jones family will be here to run the clinic in the fall. 


Wendi to confirm


05.3 Curling Club Business Cards.  It was suggested that we have business cards to help promote the club. 

Bruce to look into this for the fall.

06. Curl BC Report

-          No report



07. Manager’s Report

Bruce reported:

-          Darts are finished and their playoffs are on May 2nd.

-          Rentals.  Had 9 in April, 5 in May, 3 in June and currently none in July/August.

-          Pro shop items have been ordered.


08. Rocks n’ Rings

Wendi reported that 2 days coming up at Bernard Elementary.  No word on replacement instructor.  Curl BC hopes to run a training session in June.


Wendi to Contact Will Sutton @ Curl BC

09. Reports

09.1 Executive – n/a




09.2 Finance / Treasurer & Revenue Generation – Lenneke reported:

- revenues are up from last year

- expenses are up too

- Utilities are down.

Lenneke suggested looking at putting some more money into the reserve fund.  There is a certain percentage of the budget that is allowable for this.  It was moved by Larry and 2nd by Wendi that we increase the restricted amount from $125,000 to $165,000.  Carried.



09.3 Bonspiels & Leagues:   n/a




09.4 Juniors & Clinics.  n/a





09.5 Social.  Andre confirmed our event at Kinkora on May 31st.  Checking with Swiss Chalet on numbers for dinner.




09.6 Membership Recruitment & Retention.    Bobby reported Party in the Park has lowered their prices and the number of events.  It is now $25 per night and there will be 2 in July and 2 in August.  Time is 4:30 – 9:00.  Bobby will sign us up but needs volunteers and use of Wendi’s tent.




09.7 Building / Facility Enhancement.  n/a




09.8 Awards.  Wendi reported that one form is in so far of the 4 applications sent out.  They are due May 31st.


Wendi to send out a reminder.


09.9 New Building.  Rick Jones has agreed to sit on the committee.  He has lots of experience with the recent Senior High School building project.


10. Remarks

10.1 Past President – n/a




10.2 Vice-President .  Larry reminded us about the Sports hero award on May 13th.




10.3 President  - n/a



11. In Camera Session






12.Next Meeting


May 28 following AGM for the purpose of electing officers.  Fred and Neil will be away.





Andre adjourned the meeting at 7:42 PM