Present:  Andre Anglehart, Lenneke Bowles, Adam Dyck, Rob Garf, Larry Legault, Bobby Neid, Wendi Prinse, Gary Roberts

Regrets:  Neil Long, Kim Mclandress, Bruce Renwick, Fred Snooks, Dave Stephenson






01.   Agenda

Approval of Agenda – moved by Bobby & 2nd by Lenneke to accept as amended.  Carried.



02.   Minutes

Approval of Minutes – Mar 14, 2014  – moved by Larry & 2nd by Gary  to accept as presented. Carried



03. Correspondence

Review – new Anti Spam legislation.

 Don’t think it applies to us.


Larry will send email to membership


04. Old Business

04.1 Little Rockers Shirts


Tabled until Sept.


04.2 Roof Leak Repair – Larry moved that we authorize up to $8763 plus GST and for Bruce to contact Cascade Roofing to repair roof.  2nd by Lenneke.  Carried



05. New Business

05.1 Advertising – Kim is looking for members to help call.  Andre agreed to help.




05.2 Committee Chairs & Members

Finance – Lenneke, Wendi Bobby

Bonspiel/Leagues – Larry, Gary, Fred, Andre, Dave, Rob

Juniors/Clinics – Wendi, Neil? Maria? Donna?

Social - _______? Bobby, Adam, Neil

Membership Recruitment/Retention – Bobby, Andre

Building/ Facility – Fred, Andre, Gary, Adam, Dave

Ice Conditions – Adam, Andre, Fred, Rob

Awards – Kim, Wendi, & Fred



05.3 Canada Day – 9 am – 3 pm.  Wendi will make flyers and Bring Rocks n’ Rings equipment.  Andre, Larry & Bobby will help.




5.4- New Liquor Prices – due to the changes in the New Liquor laws we need to adjust some of our prices.  It was moved by Larry that our manager adjust bar prices as needed as per the new rules.  2nd by Gary.  Carried.



06. Curl BC Report

Report – n/a



07. Manager’s Report

Report – n/a



08. Rocks n’ Rings

Contracted through Pacific Sport for 4 – one hour school sessions in July & August.



09. Reports

09.1Executive – n/a




09.2 Finance/Treasurer & Revenue Generation

Nothing much happening.  Lenneke has applied for a Government Grant and started working on budget for new season.









09.3 Bonspiels & Leagues – n/a




09.4 Juniors & Clinics – n/a




09.5 – Golf tournament went well.  Need to make some changes for next year including pre-payment.  A few people did not show up and that left some people on the waiting list still unable to participate.




09.6 – membership Recruitment & Retention – n/a




09.7 – Building / facility enhancement – The boards are out and broken pipe repaired. Sand needs replacing where soaked with brine.  James will bring in new sand in August.  Bruce needs to get new puck board. We need shelves upstairs for indoor curling boards storage.  


Andre, Gary & Larry to help replace sand.

10. Remarks

10.1 Past President – n/a




10.2 Vice-President  - n/a




10.3 President – Andre is excited to be president again.  Hoping for another smooth year.



11. In Camera Session




12.Next Meeting


August 5, 2014 @ 7:00 pm




Andre adjourned meeting