Present:  Andre Anglehart, Adam Dyck, Larry Legault, Neil Long, Kim Mclandress, Wendi Prinse, Bruce Renwick, Gary Roberts, Fred Snooks, Dave Stephenson

Regrets:  Lenneke Bowles, Bree Hankins, Bobby Neid


Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm






01.   Agenda

Approval of Agenda – moved by Larry & 2nd by Fred to accept as presented.  Carried.


02.   Minutes

Approval of Minutes – Oct 16, 2013 – moved by Gary & 2nd by Dave to accept as amended. Carried


03. Correspondence

Received a letter with regard Competition Curling Opportunities for Women from Pacific Coast Masters.

Received membership requests from Debbie may, Howard Grisack, Michael Baird, Karen Coupland, Tyler Klassen, Candice Lamotte, & Darlene Jervis.  Moved by Dave & 2nd by Neil to accept. Carried


04. Old Business

04.1 Advertising – Kim reported that the scoreboards are now sold.  3 new sponsors on wall.



04.2 Bruce reported that the light fixtures have been ordered and shipped.  Should be here next week.  Hoping to get the appropriate letter/confirmation to add a plug to pig tails so we can apply for the rebate.



04.3 Fred reported that the Insulation on outside walls is on hold.  The problem seems to be solved with the sand and method suggested and implemented by James before flooding.


05. New Business

No new business


06. BC Junior Provincial

Wendi reported that:

-          We are meeting every 2 weeks now and it is all coming together

-          Nov 23/24 – Officials course and Terry Bodman is working hard to get enough officials

-          Stephanie Prinse is putting volunteer sheets into a database. She will set up Face Book & twitter for event

-          Larry working hard on program.  Just waiting for dignitaries letters, team photos & biographies

-          - Larry did up the posters.  Doreen Jones sending thru the school system.

-          - Donna Allan recruiting Little Rockers for the opening

-          Laura Watson is organizing Opening & closing ceremonies.

-          -Bruce has done a great job on sponsorship and will hit his target

-          Committee had a terrific meeting with Allison Tourism Chwk and she will be assisting with some promotion and information packages for participant swag bags.

-          Statisticians course here Dec 14.

-          Bruce arranging for temperate secure storage for all Burl BC stuff (carpets, curtains & Equipment)

-          Terry bringing clocks back after officials courses and will run some clinics on the new “thinking time” format.



07. Curl BC Report

Dave reported that

-          It was a short meeting

-          Discussion on selling hams as a fundraiser idea

-          Talked about new jackets for Curl BC Board

-          Theme for November meeting “Where is curling going?

-          Intl. tankard – we need to submit names soon



08. Manager’s Report

Bruce reported that

-          Birthday party rental last Saturday. Good bar sales with no issues

-          Pot of Gold next week

-          Nov 3 – Rogers Christmas party

-          Dues coming in.  Chasing last of delinquents

-          Poinsettia Fundraiser – orders due Nov 23. Made $1200 last year

-          Brier Tickets for Schmirler Fund raiser – Dec 31st draw

-          Ice flooded.  Nov 2.  James working on the idiosyncrasies

-          Spoke with Gord Pederson of the city with regards to the new building. It is not in the official adopted plan.

-          Emailed Lenneke to move $100-150k into a term deposit

-          Lights left Quebec yesterday.  They will be up before BC Juniors.



09. Reports

09.1 Executive – no report



09.2 Finance/Treasurer & Revenue Generation – no report



09.3 Building/Facility Enhancement: Fred reported that

- fixed tap in kitchen

-          New LED bulbs in Granite room

-          Not aware of anything else



09.4 Bonspiels & Leagues: Larry presented a chart &  

                reported that:

- team dropped Friday so now 4.5 less

- night leagues down slightly

- 14 fewer bodies taking 17 fewer spots

- day leagues down 3 people & 7 spots

- overall 12 people and 24 spots fewer

- trend before Olympics goes down, then up but we are still

          higher than before

- 120 of the 160 of prizes purchased




09.5 Membership Recruitment & Retention – no report




09.6 Juniors & Clinics – nothing to report




09.7 Social : Kim reported that

- Email re Grey Cup cancellation was sent out. Club now

             available on the 24th.

- asked if we were going to do the Squares draw?  Proceeds

             to go to Lil Rockers for shirts possibly?




09.8 Ice Conditions:  Adam reported that

- ice is pretty quick and a little tricky

- cleaner now




09.9 Awards: Kim reported that

- she will get nameplates

- Wendi to follow up with recipients



10. Remarks

10.1 Past President – no comment




10.2 Vice-President - Larry reported that the Frank

Jamieson Pub Night tickets were slow.  Kiwanis were

reporting the same.  This will probably be our last year.

 Need something new?


Kim to check old emails to see if it is self-sustaining yet.


10.3 President – Andre says he really appreciates RSVP

 about meetings, especially regrets.



12. In Camera Session




12.Next Meeting

Dec 11th @ 7:00 pm



Meeting adjourned at 7:54 pm.