Chilliwack Curling Club – Directors meeting – Minutes – October 16, 2013


Present: Andre Anglehart, Lenneke Bowles, Adam Dyck, Bree Hankins, Larry Legault, Neil Long, Kim McLandress, Bobby Neid, Wendi Prinse, Bruce Renwick, Dave Stephenson

Absent: Gary Roberts, Fred Snooks


 Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm.







Approval of Agenda – Oct 16, 2013

Moved by Larry &  2nd by Bree as amended. Carried




Approval of Minutes- September 16th 2013

Moved by Kim & 2nd by Dave.  Carried.




F/R DeVry Greenhouses

Membership Requests received from: Sherry Barker, Bill Dalzell, Edith Davidson, Rick Davidson Sr., Rick M Davidson Jr., Sue Johnston, Kemal Khan, Mark Massar, Karin Massar, Murray Nestick, & Eric Nyberg.  Moved by Dave and 2nd by Adam to accept. Carried.



4.Old Business

04.1 Advertising. (Kim)

This is still in progress.  Score boards need to be finalized.



04.2  Light Fixtures (Bruce)

The induction lights have been ordered with 6-8 week delivery.




04.3  lighted sign and digital clock (Bruce)

The lighted sign would cost approx. $3500 so did a $400 sign from Prime Sign.  It has been installed out front.  Sleeman will pay for a clock.  Bruce will order it and we need to design and add a frame.




04.4 Insulation on outside walls (Fred)   - no report


5.New Business

No new business


6. BC Junior provincial

Wendi & Bruce reported.

-          Wayne McAlpine will be in  charge House & Ice

-          Bruce emailed Scott at Curl BC about early sponsors for next year’s committees

-          Final draw schedule now in

-          Dec 13 & 14th – officials course in Mission

-          Logo has been revised

-          Bruce has a couple of sponsors and continues to work on more

-          Various committee chairs are working hard


7.Curl BC Report

Dave reported that NSWC (North Shore Winter Club) cannot host the Junior playdowns this year due to a strike.  No other report as the next meeting is next Sunday.



8.Manager’s Report

Bruce reported that everything is going well.  No further updates on Strategic Plan.  Poinsettia F/R from DeVry – same procedure as last year.



08.1 Executive – no report




08.2 Finance/Treasurer &Revenue Generation

Lenneke distributed financials and reported:

-          $7500 from BC Hydro & $1670 from Chwk Foundation

-          League fee collections vary in timing from year to year

-          Repairs last year included 10,000 with Refrigeration so this years are lower

-          No gaming grant this year – we are too cash rich.




08.3 Building/Facility Enhancement (Fred)  No report




08.4 Bonspiel & Leagues  (Larry)

- all leagues are up and running

- last draw sheet up tonight

- Day / Night down 3.5 teams from last year




08.5 Membership Recruitment & Retention (Bobby)

- need to submit new content for next Leisure Guide

- add a club buck coupon to bring in for a coffee

- include Open House date




08.6 Juniors & Clinics (Wendi)

- interclub did not happen.  Only 15 of our players showed up and none of the other clubs so we will organize an in house Saturday league for them.

- Little Rockers and Juniors well underway




08.7 Social (Kim)

- Thanks for all the help with Top Dog

- Congratulations to Gord Rutley

- decided against a Halloween event

- Next year it is on a Friday so reconsider for 2014

- Grey Cup is the day after Pot of Gold so plan for that.  Possibly do a Grey Cup Square Raffle.




08.8 Ice Conditions (Adam)

- no complaints

- ice is definitely cleaner this year

- needs a flood




08.9 Awards (Kim)

Ryan Britz was awarded the John Roberts $300

Braeden Clark-Jansen awarded the Frank Jamieson $400. 

Wendi to Send letters of congratulations & request for proof of enrollment prior to payout.


09.1 Past President (Kim)

- great start to season

- tanks to Bruce for getting everything going




09.2 Vice President (Larry)

- Olympics in February – let’s do another Open house

- Needs help selling Frank Jamieson dinner tickets


Bree will help sell tickets


09.3 President (Andre)

Thanks for attending.  Likes to receive notice if you are attending the meeting or not.


11.In Camera Session



12.Next Meeting

Nov 13th @ 7:00 pm.



Andre adjourned the meeting at 7:41 pm.