Present:  Andre Anglehart, Adam Dyck, Bree Hankins, Larry Legault, Bobby Neid, Wendi Prinse, Bruce Renwick, Gary Roberts, Fred Snooks, Dave Stephenson

Regrets: Kim Mclandress

Absent: Lenneke Bowles, Neil Long






01.    Agenda

Approval of Agenda

Moved by Larry & 2nd by Gary to accept as presented.                                    Carried.


02.    Minutes

Approval of Minutes – Aug 21/13

Moved by Dave & 2nd by Fred to accept as presented.                                    Carried


03. Correspondence

Review - none



04. Old Business

04.1 Sports Registration Day – Chilliwack Mall.

Wendi reported that was very quiet.  Thanks to Larry for making the

brochure and to the volunteers who staffed the booth.  2 youth signed up for

clinic and 8 signed up for the Junior Program.  We also had several adults stop by

 to get information On our Open House, Clinics and Learn to Curl programs.



04.2 Advertising.   Kim, Bree & Andre have been making calls.

In Ice spots done and now working on Scoreboards.



04.3 Ice TV’s and Announcement TV – Larry reported that 8 TVs have been

purchased and thanks to Fred and Deane Crutch  for mounting.  Still need to

re-cable sheets 1 & 6.  The White board has been replaced with a large TV



05. New Business

05.1 City Strategic Plan – For the past six months the City has commissioned a

consulting firm to study the needs for the next ten years  for the City of

Chilliwack.  The Club was invited, as a user group, to meet with the consulting

 firm which Wendi and I did.  The report has now been released on the City’s

website for public input.  This building is recommended by the plan for

replacement by the City during this period.  Every member of the Board should

study this plan and comment on it.  I have sent an email to the club members

to also look at it and comment on it.  I have been conversing with Gord

Pederson at Parks and Rec and have a meeting planned with him next week to

further discuss the possibilities.  We as a club have to ensure during this

season and the next few that we continue to utilize this facility to its maximum

 to prove that we really do need a new building.  With Hydro to increase in the

near future and the new energy efficient buildings we cannot afford to lose

this opportunity.   I am trying my best as a manager to promote and increase

the usage of this building, but feel at times I am trying to do it myself.  We all

need to continue to increase our membership and we can play a big in

Chilliwack Recreational future.  I will keep you informed to any news from our





05.2 – 2014 Junior Provincial Championship –

Wendi reminded us that the event is being hosted by our club – Dec 26-31st. 

SportsNet has confirmed they will be airing the finals.  Committee has been

struck and is starting work on this event.  As always, lots of volunteers will be

needed.  Bruce & Corinne McCabe spoke with the Ladies today at their AGM. 

More updates to follow in the coming months.


06. Curl BC Report

- Oct 29th – Master’s Grand Slam in Abbotsford

- 10% of home/auto insurance with Canadian Direct

- 20% off any travel at Best Western  (use Promo code)

- Intl. Tankard  in Lake Cowichan this March.  Deadline for

   Signup is Feb 16/14.  First Come first serve.

- Target Youth through other youth programs like Brownies,

  Scouts, YMCA etc.  Discussion about our need for more volunteers to help. 

Possibly hire a Program Coordinator and/or a paid incentive program for

volunteers such as was used for the Learn to Curl League instructors.




07. Manager’s Report

- Open House on weekend went well.  Thanks to Steph Prinse and Ali Renwick for helping the new curlers.  Disappointed in the turn out from the Board to help introduce new curlers to the club.  Will make sure that there are paid people to help out if we schedule another.

  - Clinic scheduled for Tuesday-Thursday this week.  Hopefully we can fill out some of the other leagues.  Club Coach clinic scheduled for Saturday/Sunday Sept. 21/22 at the club run by Curl BC.  Optimist Junior Clinic scheduled for Sept. 28 run by Al Kersey of Optimist BC and Curl BC. 

-  I have a quote from Eecol Electric to supply the 250W induction lighting to replace the 400W Metal halide lighting in ice shed.  Price is $13,636.80 plus taxes which works out to $568.20 per fixture.   I am looking into the BC Hydro grant of $120.00/fixture which brings our cost to $448.20/fixture or a total of $10,756.8 plus taxes.  With Hydro planning on going up 25% I think it would be a wise investment. 

-  Night Leagues start this Friday night and the day leagues start next Thursday morning.

 Pro shop orders are all in and open for business.


08. Reports

08.1 Executive – no report



08.2 Finance/Treasurer & Revenue Generation – no report



08.3 Building/Facility Enhancement

Fred reported that the building exterior has been painted.  Thank you to the volunteers who helped.  Bruce working on getting quote for a lighted sign for building front and a new digital clock for the back inside wall.  Fred suggested that we may still have to install insulation on outside walls to prevent ice loss due to condensation on sheets 1 & 6.  The upstairs computer needs looking at.    There are now more TV’s in club – 3 up and 3 down.  Suggest to put the spare one in the darts area.



08.4 - Bonspiels & Leagues – Larry reported that leagues start this Friday.    Sunday Novice – only 2 teams signed up so cancelled.

Monday – Dinner league 7 teams & Rec. league 13 teams

Tuesday – Men down to 9 teams & Competitive 13 teams

Wednesday Open – down to 21 teams

Thursday – Ladies 12.5 teams & Men down to 21 teams

Friday – Mixed doubles 10 teams & Social up to 14 teams

  It was agreed that the Friday Social would play 6 ends and a discounted rate



08.5 Membership Recruitment & Retention – Bobby reported on Party in the Park.  Only managed one night this year due to cost and lack of volunteers.  Did not feel it was successful and need to re-visit for effectiveness for next year.  Leisure Guide ad is in.  Fred is working into getting the Indoor Curling at a Chiefs Game – possibly in October.   



08.6 Juniors & Clinics – Bruce already mentioned about the Juniors.  Reminder we need help with Adult Clinic this Tues – Wed as well Junior Clinic Sept 30 – Oct 1st.  



08.7 Social – no report



08.8 Ice Conditions – Adam reported they are awesome.  James is happy and said best install ever.  Thanks to all who helped.



08.10 Awards – no report


09. Remarks

09.1 Past President  - no comment



09.2 Vice-President  - Thanks to Bruce for designing new brochures.



09.3 President – Andre wishes all a great year and hopes it all goes smooth


10. In Camera



11.Next Meeting

Oct 16  @ 7:00 pm



Adjourned at 8:15 pm