Present:  Andre Anglehart, Lenneke Bowles, Adam Dyck, Bree Hankins, Larry Legault, Neil Long, Kim Mclandress,  Wendi Prinse, Bruce Renwick, Gary Roberts, Fred Snooks, Dave Stephenson


Absent: Bobby Neid

Wednesday October 17, 2012 7:00PM




01.  Agenda

Approval of Agenda as amended

Moved by Bree & 2nd by Dave to accept as amended.   




02.  Minutes


Approval of Minutes – September 19, 2012

Moved by Dave & 2nd by Andre to accept.                  CARRIED



03.     Correspondence


Request from Jr. Women’s Team to obtain a Raffle License


Request for membership received from:  Gail Popove, Holly Fairgrieve, robyn Bryson, Elsie Claridge, Frank Townsley, Donna Townsley, Jeff Dickey, Larry Lipp, Justin Kolkman & Wright Chappell.  Moved by Dave & 2nd by Fred to accept.     CARRIED

Wendi to get more info



Old Business


04.1 TV Screens – The wiring was done.  Screens are done.  Cameras on sheets 2-5 need to be turned and need to be installed on Sheets 1 & 6.  Need some free ice time to do this.




04.2 ATM Machine – Bruce will order tomorrow




New Business


05.1 Poinsettia Fundraiser – Bruce presented information.  Moved by Fred & 2nd Andre to do it.                             CARRIED




05.2 Curl BC 50/50  - some information presented.  Curl BC is still working on logistics.




05.3 Club Bucks – discussion on what counts and what

          does not.




05.4 Board Member Status – welcome Neil




05.5 Rocks n rings – Wendi is now an official instructor for the Fraser Valley and will be promoting our club through this program. 




Curl BC Report


Next meeting will be at our club on Sunday, Nov 18th.





Manager’s Report



-Bruce reported that league dues are coming in better than

              previous year.

-Friday learn to curl league started and 24 signed up. 

    We have lots of instructors and the curlers are progressing.

-Masters bonspiel tomorrow.

-Top Dog – 44 people attended and Fred Snooks won this year.

     It was a great band and they are booked for the Chili Spiel.

-Ice Maintenance on Nov 10-11th.  Sheets 1 & 6 a little tricky

          right now.

Bruce Renwick



Committee Reports


08.1 Executive – no report








08.2 Finance/Treasurer & Revenue Generation – League fees are being paid ahead of schedule.  Advertising, not much more collected and 2nd set of invoices to be sent out this week.  Curling rocks grant to arrive still.  Looking into gift certificates

Lenneke Bowles – looking into gift certificates



08.3 Building/Facility Enhancement – lights on dart boards fixed.




08.4 Bonspiels & Leagues – Larry Reported

Night leagues – 122 teams down one from last year

24 in learn to curl league

Day leagues – 88 teams up one from last year

A few prizes still to buy

Sr. Mixed – only 6 teams registered & deadline is Monday

Men’s – Feb 7- 10th, guaranteed $10,000 in prizes





08.5 Membership Recruitment & Retention – no report




08.6 Juniors & Clinics – Wendi reported that there are about 50 +/- students in the Junior program in 2 draws and approx. 25 attended the clinic.




08.7 Social – Adam thanked everyone for the help received at Top Dog It was a good event. 

There will be no Halloween party this year.

Adam to coordinate a Grey Cup party on Nov 25th.



08.8 Ice Conditions – Sheets 1 & 6 should be better when it is cooler.  Maybe do some insulation next summer.  Fred suggested curling repair next year.

Lenneke to look into grants.



08.9 Awards – First West Foundation – After the Fundraiser in November, all funds go to First West who distributed $400 to recipient and then invest anything left over. 


Frank Jamieson F/R - $12 and Larry has tickets.

Bruce to send cheque from last year.


09.    Remarks


09.1 Past President Larry -




09.2 Vice-President  Andre - Welcome to Neil




09.3 President Kim – Frank Jamieson broom now mounted

             and hung in club.



10.  Next Meeting


November 14 @ 7:00 pm.  Larry & Neil send regrets in advance




11.  Adjournment


Dave moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:13 pm.