Thursday May 31, 2012 8:20PM

PRESENT:  Andre Anglehart, Lenneke Bowles, Adam Dyck, Larry Legault, Kim McLandress, Wendi Prinse,

Bruce Renwick, Gary Roberts, Fred Snooks, Dave Stephenson

EXCUSED: Bobby Neid

ABSENT: Gord Jackson, Neil Long (newly elected)           






Election of Executive – Larry Legault chaired the Election. 

                             All proclaimed via Acclamation:

President – Kim McLandress

Vice President – Andre Anglehart

Treasurer – Lenneke Bowles

Secretary – Wendi Prinse

Past President – Larry Legault



01.     Agenda

Approval of Agenda – moved by Dave and 2nd by Lenneke.         



02.     Minutes

Approval of Minutes – April 17, 2012

Moved by Lenneke and 2nd by Fred.                                      CARRIED


03. Correspondence

Review – none



 Old Business

04.1 TV Screens – tabled until next meeting

Bruce Renwick


04.2 New Rocks   moved by Larry and 2nd by Dave that we purchase

a full set of 96 rocks from Canada Curling Stone. Carried.  Hope to

have them in place by September.  Bruce talked about sponsorship

ideas to have members “buy” a rock.  They make a donation to CCA

and receive a full tax receipt.  CCA returns the funds to the club. 

Also that when we are selling Ice Ads, we calculate the # of views

and sell the ads based on that instead of just location.



04.3 Auction item/donation for Feed the Children

Kim reported that $150.00 was raised from our donation and the

purchaser are excited.



New Business

05.1 Curl BC AGM June 9 – Dave will be attending



05.2 Rocks and Rings. Moved by Larry and 2nd by Wendi to purchase the set and extra mat. CARRIED



05.3 Committees for the Upcoming Year – Kim asked everyone to review the committees on the website and think about their commitments for the next season



05.4 Bursary Selection – Kim reported that there were a few applications in.  Wendi offered to assist Kim in reviewing applicants for next meeting.

Kim & Wendi

To review


05.5 Absenteeism - Larry brought attention to our new Bylaw and the absentee director.

Kim to contact Gord.


Curl BC Report

No Report


07.     Manager’s Report

No Report


08.    Remarks

08.1 Past President  - none



08.2 Vice-President  - none



08.3 President – none



08.4 Wendi thanked the board for the opportunity to attend the Curl BC Symposium.  Bruce and Wendi further discussed the Learn to Curl league


09.     Next Meeting





Larry moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:34 p.m.