Tuesday April 17, 2012 7:00PM
PRESENT: Andre Anglehart. Kara Biersteker, Adam
Dyck, Larry Legault, Kim McLandress, Bobby Neid,
Wendi Prinse, Bruce Renwick,
Roberts, Fred Snooks, Dave
ABSENT: Lenneke Bowles, Gord Jackson
Action |
01. Agenda |
Approval of Agenda as
amended Moved by Andre and seconded by Larry. Carried |
02. Minutes |
Approval of Minutes – March
8, 2012 Moved by Dave and seconded by Kara. Carried |
03. Correspondence |
- notice from Curl BC about Recognition Award Nominations - New member Requests
received from Ryan Britz, Lorill Britz, Jeff Fortin, Lynn Maure, Marcel Maure, Tim Schlievert, John Tap. Moved by Larry and seconded by Dave to accept. Carried |
Make this into a new committee for next season |
04. Old Business |
04.1 TV Screens Lawrence does not have a security license and therefore cannot do
this installation. Bruce is waiting from some info from Al at
SMI. Current estimate around $3500. Also looking
into wireless or different router configuration. |
Bruce to have
quotes for next meeting |
04.2 Board member
absences. Larry presented a proposal
to change the wording of this section in our bylaw.
Directors agreed to put this forward to the AGM. Current Bylaw 5. Vacancies. If a Director resigns his or her office or
otherwise ceases to hold office, the remaining
Directors may appoint a member to take the place of the former director. Proposed Bylaw 5. Vacancies. If a
Director resigns his or her office or otherwise ceases to hold office, the remaining
Directors may appoint a member to take the place of the former director. If a Director is absent for 3 consecutive
meetings of the Board of Directors, the
President shall contact the Director and report to the Board of Directors. The remaining Directors may declare the
office vacant and appoint a member to take the
place of the former director. |
04.3 AGM planning (nomination
Committee Report). Kim, Dave and Fred
have agreed to let their names stand for another 2 year term. Kara has declined at this time. Neil Long and Dick
Allan have agreed to let their names stand for election. |
05. New Business |
05.1 New Thursday League
Fees. Moved by Kara and seconded
by Larry that they will be considered a Night league and pay night league fees of
$235.00 for 2012.
Carried |
05.2 Men’s Spiel 2013 – this
will be the 50th Anniversary of this event. Let’s make it a big deal. Need more
sponsors so we can offer $10k in prizes
and get a full roster of 48 teams. |
Bonspiel Committee to work on this |
05.3 Auction
item/donation for Feed the Children – Bruce will donate 2 x
2 hours of instruction time. Moved
by Kara and seconded by Andre that the club donate 2 clubs as part of the package. Carried |
05.4 New Rocks – Terry
Gregory suggested we also get a quote from Thompson. |
Bruce to bring quotes to next meeting |
05.5 Frank Jamieson
Memorial Bursary – deadline is approaching. Info needs to go out via email to members and their family. Also info about the John
Roberts Bursary. |
06. Curl BC Report |
-Masters and Curl BC are working together re bonspiel
scheduling. - looking for hosts for Intl. Tankard in 2016 and 2017. Usually held around the end of March. This year it was held in Seattle and
celebrated the 50th anniversary of the
event. - Curl BC meeting will be at our Club on Nov. 8th at 8:00
a.m. - AGM – June 9th in Richmond. Video link available again this year - Dave now a member of the Regional Board. |
07. Manager’s Report |
- shut down went well - grates have been installed on rear doors - inventory count underway and will be given to Lenneke shortly - paint and Jet Ice for next year have been ordered - new numbers have been ordered and will be replaced in August - Summer Rentals: 2 April, 1 May, 2 June, 2 July - will be putting in Pro Shop order in mid May - plant starts August 20th - nothing major needs to be done at this time. |
08. Committee Reports |
07.1 Executive met to
discuss contracts. Happy to report
that Bruce and James will be returning next
year. |
07.2 Finance/Treasurer
& Revenue Generation - No report
available |
07.3 Building/Facility
Enhancement - nothing major at this time.
- will determine smaller items - get the canopy cleaned - replace the screws in the roof.
May need to rent a lift and have an operator with the right operating ticket. |
Gary to meet with Bruce |
07.4 Bonspiels &
Leagues - Mixed spiel was a success and we made a nice profit - league champs being contacted for confirmation of name spelling
prior to ordering glasses. Note.
Bobby won 3 glasses this year. Congratulations. Adam was also a league
champ. Congratulations |
Membership Recruitment & Retention - Leisure Ad due in May
and Bobby working on it. - Face book going well - need to promote the
Novice Clinic next season - Review Friday night
league – maybe split into two – Recreational / Social or? - maybe we should have a
booth at Party in the Park (PITP) - look into purchasing a
Rocks n’ Rings set for next year for promotion |
Refer to Committee Bobby look into PITP and
Rocks n’ Rings |
Juniors & Clinics – no report |
07.7 Social Committee - Drain the Keg went well.
Ran out of draft early. - still need some prizes for the Golf tournament |
07.8 Ice Conditions – no report. |
09. Remarks |
08.1 Past President - Larry will be working on
the website to update calendar etc. - also updating data base |
08.2 Vice-President - no report |
08.3 President – Attended
the Masters AGM in March and they wishes to extend their appreciation
and thanks to our Board. |
10. Next Meeting |
May 16th @
7:00 p.m. |
11. Adjournment |
Andre moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. |