Minutes of meeting held on

Wednesday December 14, 2011 6:30PM


PRESENT:  Andre Anglehart, Kara Biersteker, Lenneke Bowles, Adam Dyck, Gord Jackson, Larry Legault,

Bobby Neids, Wendi Prinse, Bruce Renwick, Gary Roberts, Dave Stephenson

EXCUSED: Kim McLandress

ABSENT:    Ron Magnusson



Meeting called to order at 6:34 pm by Andre Anglehart


01. Agenda

Approval of Agenda.  Moved by Dave Stephenson & seconded by Larry Legault. Carried.


02. Minutes

Approval of Minutes – November 16, 2011.                                                    Moved by Lenneke Bowles and seconded by Dave Stephenson to accept the minutes as amended.


03. Correspondence

Membership Applications:  Joe Cozzual, Brock Rutley, Tim Flanigan, Anne Barker, Maria Mailloux, David Francis and Katherine Mindness.

Membership Transfer Requests:  late Roy Mussell to daughter Tana Mussell.   William Dowland to his wife Norma Dowland.

Moved by Kara Biersteker and seconded by Lenneke Bowles to accept applications and transfer requests.  Carried

Received a letter re upcoming Dominion Cup.


04. Old Business

04.1 Frank Jamison fundraiser Dinner

Curling Club sold 40 and Kiwanis sold 40 for a total of 87. (7 paid and turned back in for re-sale).  Raised $940 less meal expense 325 = $615 plus 50/50 of $135.  Kiwanis added $95.  Total sits at $845 to be added to what is in fund.  Fund now totals $1080.  Moved by Larry Legault and seconded by Dave Stephenson to keep $400 back to top up bursary and the remaining $680 to the fund.

Frank Jamison’s Broom.  Kiwanis club would like to pay to have this mounted with a plaque and have it displayed in the club.   Moved by Kara Biersteker and seconded by Gord Jackson.  Carried.



04.2 Curl BC meeting - no meeting held in December.  Next one is January 8th at Royal City.

Dave should be able to attend


04.3 Replacement of Current Stones   Bruce has not received an answer yet

Bruce to follow up with Fred.

05. New Business

05.1 Database project.  All 4 lists have been consolidated and are now electronic.  It is up and running well.  Bruce and Wendi have had opportunity to use it and like it.  Board thanked Larry for all this work.



05.2 Front awning   It was suggested that this needs cleaning.  Bruce says it is usually a summer job.

Maintenance Committee to look into it


05.3 TV screens.   Would like to see screens on Sheets 1 & 6.  Two to five were done for the BC Men’s.  It is a great idea but we need to plan and budget for it.  Might need more wireless


 Bruce to bring some more details to next meeting


05.4 Board member absences.  Ron Magnusson has missed the past couple of meetings, has moved away and as it turns out, does not hold a valid membership.  Moved by Kara Biersteker and seconded by Adam Dyck that we declare his position on the board as vacant and seek a new member.  Carried.

Larry also suggested that as the bylaws are vague on this subject, we should consider developing a policy to address it for the future and that it may require an amendment to the bylaws.



05.5 Office computer & software:  Larry advised the board that the office computer is getting worn out and software is out of date (2000).  He recommended replacing them at an estimated cost of $720 plus taxes.  Moved by Dave Stephenson and seconded by Gary Roberts that Larry purchase a new tower, keyboard, mouse, monitor and Office software package for $750.00 plus taxes (or less).  Carried.

It was also proposed that the old system be stripped of all confidential information and put in the lobby area for people to use.

Larry to go shopping.


05.6 Volunteer of the year 2011.  This needs to be submitted by Dec 31st.

The board unanimously nominated Larry Legault which he graciously accepted.


06. Manager’s Report


- ATM machine – fellow has been on holidays. Will contact again in new year.  Insurance will cost approx $100 year extra for this.  Suggest installing it over the summer as there will be some construction involved.

- Marshall rink reception well received by team but poorly attended

- Junior Playdowns went well.  Thanks to Wendi for organizing it.   Stephanie Prinse rink qualified for Provincials and qualify for a $300 stipend from the club.  Very disappointed with Curl BC on use of our club facilities and time.  Suggest a letter be sent to Curl BC.   Too much time between draws and held over 3 days when it could have been done in too.  Inconvenience our Masters and created unnecessary extra time for manager and ice maker.    Ladies playdowns is this weekend.  Again poor usage of our facility with scheduled draws 6 hours apart.

- Pro shop sale on until Christmas and sales have been brisk

- Skins Bonspiel has been cancelled due to lack of interest and facility rented out to a private member function.  Need to get posters out to other clubs to promote upcoming Chilli Spiel, Men’s and Spring Mixed.  Our bonspiels always provide good value. Thanks to Larry for shopping for good deals on Bonspiel prizes.

- Club has been scheduled for cleaning top to bottom and floors re-waxed over the Christmas break.  James is going home to Sask. Dec 23- 28th.  He will melt that night and scraping and flooding done on 29th & 30th.  He will also be touching up rocks at that time.

- Larry added that Kayleigh Alendal also qualified as a third on the McAulay team and will be attending BC Jr. Women provincials. 

- Larry suggested that we back off from Curl BC events for a while.

- Dave would like a copy of the email sent to Scott Braley with regards to our displeasure with the draw times on the Playdown events so he is prepared when he attends the next Curl BC meeting in January.




07. Committee                                                           Reports

07.1 Executive – no report



07.2 Finance/Treasurer                                                                                             Up approximately $5,000 over same period last year.  Need to check on insurance amount from last year – seems low compared to this year.   No collection of Sign advertising in November. 

Lenneke to contact  Neil Sulkers


07.3 Building/Facility Enhancement Committee going to put a door / wall between the Granite room and the hallway.  Hope to have that completed by next meeting. 

Gary Roberts


07.4 Bonspiels & Leagues.  After much discussion, it was agreed that we abide by the 5 man team rules for regular league play.  There must be two or the original named players playing or the game is forfeited.   Aquadel league has a different policy to be left in place. 

- Friday night league starting 2nd half this week.  Larry is checking team list for accuracy and dues to be paid etc.

- Spares need to pay the $10/game fee if not already paid and curling in another of our leagues. 





Larry will add to schedules.   Bruce to send blanket email


07.5 Membership Recruitment & Retention Committee

Bobby had no report but glad to see that new database is helping to deal with outstanding membership fees.




07.6 Juniors & Clinics.  Wendi reported that there was a Junior program interclub event here at the end of Nov.  Seemed to go well. Only a few glitches.   Junior curling currently finishing Week 10 of their program. 


- are we still considering an intermediate clinic in Mid January?




Bruce to look into this


07.7 Revenue Generation  - no report




07.8 Social Committee - New Year’s eve party cancelled this year.

- next event should be Drain the Keg – in the planning process

- Aquadel Golf confirmed for one more year.



07.9 Ice Conditions.   Bruce covered this in his report.  Dave brought forward that there is some kind of divot at the south end of Sheet #2 behind the hack.  Oval shaped – like a watering can.  Others have noticed this too

Bruce to check with James.

08. Remarks

08.1 Past President   Larry thanked the board for the Volunteer of the Year nomination



08.2 Vice-President   Liking the new website and rosters.  Thank you Larry for all your hard work on this.  It is proving to be very useful



08.3 President – no report


09. Next Meeting

January 18th @ 6:30 p.m. 


10. Adjournment

Andre adjourned the meeting at approx. 8:00 p.m.






________________________                                                                                                        __________________________

Andre Anglehart – Vice President                                                                                                    Wendi Prinse - Secretary

Acting Chair