Minutes of Meeting held on July 21, 2011







Call to Order


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by the President Kim McLandress.


Moved by Larry & seconded by Gary to appoint Wendi Prinse as Secretary. CARRIED



Moved by Larry & seconded by Ron to accept the Agenda with additions. CARRIED



Moved by Lenneke & Seconded by Gord to accept the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting held April 2011. CARRIED




03.1 Received a letter from the Ladies Curling Club to operate the snack Bar.



04.1 Advertising funds from last year.

Approximately $8000.00 still outstanding.

After much discussion, it was thought to write it off and start fresh this year.

Lenneke is sending invoices to potential sponsors


04.2 Team Funding – Play Downs.

$500.00 is allocated for teams going to Nationals

    Doug Marshall’s team qualified – not applied?

$300.00 is allocated for teams making it out of Zones.

    Junior Women team qualified. – paid?

Bruce to check if Marshall team and Jr. Women’s team paid


04.3 Frank Jamieson Fundraiser Dinner (Nov 26 @ Friendly Mikes)

$10.00 per ticket. This event funds the bursary. Last year raised just over $400.00. Tickets coming.



04.4 Curl BC Meeting

Wendi attended via video link and teleconference.

Official minutes will be posted on line.

Curl BC voted to change from a “Board of Directors” to a “Board of Governors”. Passed.

Dale Hockley was the recipient of The Male Athlete Award.



05.1 Bursaries

Two candidates have applied. We need to make a decision within a week and send a letter of confirmation. Proof of enrollment required prior to issuing cheque.

Kim to email applications.

Directors to “vote” within one week.

Wendi to send letter to successful candidate


05.2 Selection of Committee Chairs & Members

Finance: Chair: Lenneke, Larry, Wendi

Building & Facility: Chair: Gary, Ron, Andre, Adam, Gord

Ice Conditions: Chair; Andre, Ron, Gord

Membership Recruitment & Retention Committee:

    Chair: Kara? Neil? Ron, Bobby?

Programs & Services – defunct. Now split into 3 New Committees:

Bonspiels & Leagues: Chair: Larry, Gary, Ron, Andre, Kara

Social Committee: Chair: Adam, Ron, Kim, Bobby?

Juniors /Clinics: Chair: Wendi, Gord, & Maria Mailloux, Donna Allen

Revenue Generation: Chair: Lenneke, Wendi, Kim, Neil





Kim to ask Kara, Neil & Bobby




Kim to ask Kara & Bobby


Kim to ask Neil


05.3 Work Party Date

Thurs. Aug 4 @ 6:00 pm & Sat. Aug 6 @ 9:00 a.m.

Next date – August 20th

Sand Surface work needs to be done before Aug 15

Ice shed work needs to be done before Aug 22


Larry to email for volunteers


5.4 Snack Bar

Accepted and approved request from Ladies Curling Club to operate the Snack Bar for the 2011/12 season


Wendi to send confirmation letter.


Bruce reported on attempted Break in July 15 and successful Break in on July 16. This has resulted in replacement of 2 fire exit doors and panic hardware on east bar exit door and another security rod to the west bar exit door. Building should now be secure.


Bathroom checks have been added to closing checklist after flooding from a plugged toilet after an event on June 18


Ice blades have been shipped for sharpening. Thompson went to Thompson’s in Winnipeg & Ice King went to European Sharpening in Surrey.


Ice paint ordered & Terry Gregory will paint white & scribe rings. New Ice Tech arrives on Aug. 15


Busy Summer with rentals. 3 complete and 4 more booked.

Summer bar sales up $3500.00 over last year.


Advertising invoices should have gone out by July 1st.

Ice Shed R&M needs to be done by Aug 22 and R&M involving sand surface needs to be done by Aug. 15.




07.1 Executive:


07.2 Finance/Treasurer: Lenneke reported.

Govt. Grant has been applied for but not response yet.

First draft budget presented with time for Q & A.

No allowance for capital acquisitions as none identified

Moved by Ron & seconded by Adam to accept the

Budget as presented. CARRIED.


07.3 Building/Facility Enhancement: no report


07.4 Ice Conditions: no report


07.5 Membership Recruitment & Retention:

Application received from Shey Laing.

Moved by Larry & seconded by Lenneke to accept.


07.6 A – Bonspiels & Leagues

Larry has purchased 60 of about 150 prizes needed.

New leagues    - Saturday Night Novice

                              - Sunday morning Hangover

                              - Sunday afternoon Family

                              - Thursday afternoon Open League


07.6 B – Social Committee - no report


07.6 C – Juniors / Clinic: - no report


07.7 Revenue Generation:

Lenneke will touch base with Neil re o/s from 2010

Lenneke will mail out letters & invoices ASAP for 2011

















Wendi to issue certificate and update appropriate paperwork. Larry needs email address
















08.1 Past President: Larry Legault

Thanked Kim for taking on the position


08.2 Vice President: Andre Anglehart

No comment


08.3 President: Kim McLandress

Hoping to learn together and appreciates feedback






The next meeting is scheduled for August 23 at 7:00 pm



The meeting was adjourned by Kim at 8:30 pm




_______________________                                            ________________________

Kim McLandress, President                                                Wendi Prinse, Secretary