President Larry Legault called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Dave Ellis, Ice Technician, was introduced.

He thanked everyone for welcoming him to the club and community.

He gave a report including a list of Minor/Major and Long Term Improvements he feels are needed:


-          Water PH/TDS meter

-          Hot water tank repair, a pipe needed from pressure relief valve.

-          Brine test needed to ensure it is properly mixed.

-          End board repair

-          Air heater controller repair


-          Removable hacks

-          New controller system for operating the environmental controls.

Long Term:

-          New dehumidifiers

-          Roof repair

-          Building insulation

-          Hot water tank replacement




Moved by Peter Lui seconded by Jane Arden

The minutes of the August 23rd meeting are approved as reviewed.  Carried.

-          No business arising from minutes.



-          No


Old Business:

-          Frank Jamieson Bursary annual fund raiser dinner will be Oct. 16th at Friendly Mike’s, $10.

-          Paperwork for the bursary has been finalized


Moved by Jane Arden seconded by Kara Biersteker

To increase approval cost from $2000 to $2400 for purchase of POS system in order to cover costs of customer support package.   Carried.


New Business:

-           Discussion regarding different ways to recognize League Champs  ie: plaques, trophies, glassware

-          Sunday Night interest is strong, will need volunteers to come out to help.

-          Liquor License: sign in book initiated, visitors to be signed in by a member.

-          Looking into how to have caters, etc as members (associate) including changing constitution at AGM.

-          Halloween Dance Oct. 29th



Treasurer’s Report:


Moved by Neil Sulkers seconded by Kara Biersteker

The Treasurer’s report be adopted as reviewed.  Carried


Manager’s Report:

-          Most night leagues will be full, still looking for a few more teams.

-          New POS system is up and running and will be an extremely time saving feature of our club.

-          Larry has spent countless hours setting up and training staff on POS system.  Recommend the Board

give him a gift certificate for dinner as recognition of all his hard work.

-          Met with Liquor inspector last week to upgrade license to allow minors, change the board members and appoint myself as resident manager.

-          There were a few issues at the Tap the Keg party, with some young people doing immature things.

-          No alcohol allowed downstairs or outside.

-          East exit door is now an emergency exit only and to remain closed and locked at all times.

-          Smoking to be done 10 feet away from west door of lounge.

-          Had staff checking ID and having guests sign in last Friday.  It was very quiet.

-          A number pf staff and volunteers took the First Aid course Sept. 18th.

-          Will arrange for training on AED we received from Olympic legacy.


Committee Reports:


Building/Facility Enhancement:

-          Hot water tank repair, pressure valve fixed.



-          No report


Ice Conditions:

-          Ice is ready, keen and has curl.


Membership Recruitment/Retention:


Moved by Jane Arden seconded by Neil Sulkers

Membership requests be approved for:

Robert & Wanda Lindsay      Katie Brown               Casey Reid                  Maurice Lefebvre

Michelle Wilson                       Marg Peterson         Joan Steadman          Pat Wiggins

Regan Mizuno                                    Eric Johanson             Sheila Jones                Fred Fox     

Holly Neid                              Manny DeLorme        Bill Macaulay             Mike Csoka

Ron Willoughby                     Wes, Tracy, Ben, Graham Macaulay                        Nicolle Bourget

Joe Mazure                            




Moved by Jane Arden seconded by Neil Sulkers

Membership be transferred from Dennis Malpas #178 to Verlene Olsen.




Programs and Services:


-          Junior leagues to run Tuesday 3:30 to 4:30 and Thursday 3:30 to 5:30

-          Club to host InterLeague on Nov. 7th 9:30 to 11:30

-          Novice clinic had 54 attending with 17 volunteers.



-          Tap the Keg was well attended.

-          Top Dog contest to be held Oct 15th.

-          Advertising is out for Nov. Fun Spiel.


Revenue Generation:

-          Curl BC books are now available.

-          Region 11 meeting to be held Nov. 21rst at our club.    

-          3 of 6 scoreboards have been sold.

-          The rest should be sold by end of week.  $150 increase


Vice President Remarks:

-          Peter will step down as VP as soon as Board has elected a new VP.

-          He will be moving back to Kootneys at end of season.


Past President Remarks:

-          None


President Remarks:

-          Thanks to Peter for all his contributions to the club as VP and member.

-          Thanks to Dave Ellis for his report and all his hard work.

-          Tickets to the Frank Jamieson fundraiser are available.


The next Board meeting Monday, Oct. 25th.

President Larry Legault adjourned the meeting at 8:20 pm.