April 26th, 2010

President Larry Legault called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.

Seven Directors were present. 




Moved by Darryle Leavesley seconded by Peter Lui

The minutes of the March 29th meeting be approved as reviewed.  Carried.

-          No business arising from minutes.



-          Letter from Chwk. Ladies League with cheque for $5500. Contribution from kitchen.

-          Letter from Chwk. Ladies League requesting permission to operate kitchen for upcoming season.

-          Curl BC Men’s Bonspiel Tour participation form received.


Old Business:

-          AGM scheduled for May 27th, notices to be sent.

-          Golf Tournament scheduled for May 30th 9:00 am @ Aquadel, call course to register.


New Business:

-          Beat the HST party to be held Friday, April 30th, 6 – 9 pm.

-          Proposed by Jim Narraway and Rod Scoble to set up a Frank Jamieson High School Bursary.



Moved by Peter Lui seconded by Neil Sulkers

To adopt the proposed fee schedule for the 2010/2011 season.  Carried.

One vote  against.



Moved by Chris Godwin seconded by Dennis Bailey

Request from Chwk. Ladies Curling Club to operate kitchen for upcoming season be approved.  Carried.



Moved by Dennis Bailey seconded by Neil Sulkers

To not participate in the Curl BC Men’s Bonspiel Tour.  Carried.


-          Community Sports Hero Award is being presented to Peter Lui.

-          Nomination form for Curl BC annual awards received.  Deadline April 30th.


Treasurer’s Report:

-          No report


Manager’s Report:

-          Went to Managers meeting in Vanc. April 8th.

-          We have a good club and fees are very reasonable in comparison to other clubs.

-          Attempted break in April 18th .

-          ProShop order will be small.

-          Paint will be ordered.

-          Summer wish list is made.

-          Ice Tech. has been hired, has level 1 and 2 Ice Tech. certification.


Committee Reports:


Building/Facility Enhancement:

-          Summer projects include: completion of washrooms,  build cabinet for juniors, bulletin board

for bonspiels, painting of the ice side walls.


-          No report


Ice Conditions:

-          No report


Management Structure:

-          Chris to look into liquor law regarding minors allowed in lounge area.


Membership Recruitment/Retention:

-          Need info on curlers not returning for next season.


Programs and Services:


-           GM grant letter sent.



-          No report



-           Drain the Keg, April 1, 2011.

-          Tap the Keg is planned for Friday, September 17th.


Curl BC:

-          Dick Allan has been nominated to Region 11’s Board of Directors.

-          Junior (Jan. 3-8) and Juvenile (Feb. 24-27) Provincials need a venue.

Our club is not available.


Vice President Remarks:

-          None


Past President Remarks:

-          None



President Remarks:

-          Thanks to the outgoing Board members for all their help and support.




The next Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 27th, immediately following AGM.

President Larry Legault adjourned the meeting at 8:15 pm.