Oct. 19th, 2009

Vice President Peter Lui called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.

Nine Directors were present.




Moved by Jane Arden seconded by Lenneke Bowles

The minutes of the Sept. 21rst, 2009 meeting are approved as amended.  Carried.


-                   Dick Allan will chair the BC Mixed Provincial Playdown.



-                   Thank you card from Sue Herman

-                   Note from Business Girls stating “years curled” limitations too restrictive for Novice spiel.  Also ideas for increasing league teams.

-                   A letter and plaque recognizing past efforts was received from CurlBC.


Old Business:

-                   Committees to meet and set visions and goals are to be done by Nov. 11th.


New Business:

-                   Life Membership Award - will decide for next meeting one male and one female to be awarded.

-                   Hawk radio –call/email to leave message to promote events/Aquadell standings.

-                   Look into location signs on Corbould, Evans Overpass and Cultural Center.


Treasurer’s Report:

-                   Hard copies will be sent

-                   Basically we are on budget.


Moved by Lenneke Bowles seconded by Peter Lui

The treasurer report is accepted as given.  Carried.


Manager’s Report:

-                   President’s wall to be updated.

-                   Completed a competitive coaching course in North Van.  Noted ice was cleaner than ours.

-                   Fees and locker dues are still coming in.

-                   Computer linked “register” would free up a lot of time.

-                   Still spots available in some night leagues.

-                   Club Bucks list was handed out.  Used and Projected hours given.


Committee Reports:


Building/Facility Enhancement:

-                   Tile and baseboards to be completed in washrooms.

-                   New faucets and sinks to be installed.

-                   Wish list is being put on hold.



-                   No report


Ice Conditions:

-                   Nov. 2 next scheduled flood, extra help requested.

-                   Issue regarding nipper blade, was sharpened 2 wks ago.   Wants 2 to start season with.

-                   Discussion followed with regards to ice maintenance.


Management Structure:

-                   No report


Membership Recruitment/Retention:

-                   Kara to look into getting us linked to the City’s website.

-                   Chris is working on revised draft of the terms of reference for committee.


Moved by Jane Arden seconded by Peter Lui

Membership requests from John Cole, Tyler Jersak, Bobby Neid, Alicia Wernicke, Laura Wigham and Ali Renwick be approved.  Carried.


Programs and Services:

-                   Junior program are having a few fundraising events.

-                   Looking for team sponsors - $400

-                   Top Dog contest was won by Doug Marshall.  33 participants.


Revenue Generation:

-                   No report


Strategic Planning:

-                   No report


Volunteer Management:

-                   No Report


Vice President Remarks:

-                   None


Past President Remarks:

-                   None


President Remarks:

-                   None


The next Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, Nov. 23, 2009 at 7:00 pm.

Vice President Peter Lui adjourned the meeting at 8:45 pm.