AUGUST 30TH, 2009

President Larry Legault called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.

9 directors were present.




Moved by Chris Godwin seconded by Dennis Bailey

The minutes of the July 27th, 2009 meeting be approved as reviewed.  Carried.



-          Letter of resignation from Bob Morrison was read.

-          CurlBC sent information concerning hosting BC Mixed Championships.

-          BC Lotto is to audit our club re: gaming commission grants.

-          Letter from Rob Forde offering the club use of a curling game.


Old Business:

-          Committees to meet and set visions and goals.

-          Above ice heaters have been replaced and installed.


New Business:

-          Discussion regarding fees for curling more than 3 times a week.


Moved by Neil Sulkers seconded by Kara Biersteker

The cost of each additional night be $75.00. Carried.

-          Resignation from Bob Morrison accepted.

-          To contact Terry Bodman, Mike McAstoker re: chairing committee for BC Mixed.

-          Will accept offer to bring curling game into the lounge.


Treasurer’s Report:

            No report


Manager’s Report:

-          Ice is in and painting will take place over the next few days.

-          Pro Shop inventory is here.

-          Ad will be in paper next week.

-          Staff will ask about need of name tags as dues are paid.

-          Some leagues – Thurs. and Mon. night – are short a few teams.

-          Phoning is being done to try and fill leagues.




Committee Reports:


Building/Facility Enhancement:

-          Vinyl mats have been put in at home end of sheets.

-          New lockers have been put in men’s locker room, ladies lockers are also needed.

-          Carpets have been cleaned.

-          Furnaces, chiller have been installed.



-          No report


Ice Conditions:

-          No report


Management Structure:

-          Newsletter went out updating members of fees increases and “Club Bucks”.

-          Web page to add/access email addresses.


Membership Recruitment/Retention:

-          Info booth in Cottonwood Mall was a success.

-          Discussion of possible Sunday Night Learn to Curl League.


Programs and Services:

-          Committee met and reviewed their vision goals, copy was handed out.

-          Other committees are to do the same.


Revenue Generation:

-          Discussion concerning the increase of bar prices (bottle beer).

-          Decided to have the committee research prices and make a recommendation to the

board before the club opens.


Strategic Planning:

-          No report

Volunteer Management:

-          No Report

Vice President Remarks:

-          None

Past President Remarks:

-          None


The next Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, Sept, 21, 2009 at 7:00 pm.

President Larry Legault adjourned the meeting at 5:35 pm.