May 11th , 2009

President Chris Godwin called the regular meeting of the Board of Directors to order on May 11th , 2009. 

10 directors were present.



-           Moved by Larry Legault, seconded by Jane Arden the March minutes be adopted as reviewed.  Carried.



-            Letter from the Chwk. Ladies in regards to having free coffee, breakfast during bonspiels.


Treasurer’s Report: 

-             Monthly financial report handed out and reviewed.

-             Moved by Laura Watson seconded by Jane Adam the financial report be

    adopted as reviewed.  Carried.


Manager’s Report: Bruce Renwick

-             Ice paint has been ordered for next season.  Pro shop pre orders going in this week.

-             Ice Technician interview this Thurs.

-             Summer rentals, fairly quiet this off season, 2 Grad reunions, 1 Birthday party, 2 weddings

    and the Jazz Festival which was held the first weekend in May.

-             Inventories done for year end accounting.

-             New hacks to be ordered.


Old Business:

-             AGM is May 28th, committee reports to be ready.

-             Applications for funding have been approved for: Senior Ladies Team,

    Masters Team, High School Boys’ and Girls’ Teams and Juvenile Girls’ Team

-             Motion made by Dale Morgan seconded by Peter Lui the funding be increase to $300. per

    team to a maximum of $660.  Carried.


New Business:

-             Summer work party to be held June 6th and 7th.

-             Motion by Jane Adam seconded by Lenneke Bowles an additional $1500. for installation of  

          furnaces, $1500 for carpet and $1200 for space heaters to be moved be approved by board.





Strategic Planning:

-            Volunteer Recognition “Club Bucks” draft policy was presented to the board.


Ice Conditions:

-            No report


Building and Maintenance:

-            Summer work party job lists were reviewed.


Bonspiels and Draws:

-            No report


Finance and Funding Committee:    

-            Under new business


Memberships and Social:

-            Golf tournament shotgun start 9:00 am, May 31st.


Advertising and Sponsorship:

-            No report


Junior Curling and Clinics:

-            Little Rockers and Junior program flyers to be given to schools.


Curl BC Region 11:

-            Chris attended the meeting.  Chris has agreed to to be our Curl BC Rep. For
   next season


Vice President’s Remarks: Larry Legault

-           None


Past President’s Remarks: Dick Allan

-           None


Next Board Meeting will follow the AGM, May 28th

President Chris Godwin adjourned the meeting at 8:15 pm.