March 23rd, 2009

President Chris Godwin called the regular meeting of the Board of Directors to order on Mar. 23rd, 2009.  12 directors were present.



-                      Moved by Larry Legault, seconded by Jane Arden the Feb. minutes be adopted as reviewed.  Carried.



-                      Thank you card from High School teams for the club’s support.

-                      Letter of resignation from Jamie Newton.  Accepted.

-                      Star FM requesting interview re: approved grant.


Treasurer’s Report: 

-                       Monthly financial report handed out and reviewed.

-                       Moved by Jane Adam seconded by Larry Legault the financial report be

    adopted as reviewed.  Carried.

-                       Capital grant approved for just under $50,000.  Well done Lenneke.

-                       Chiller to be replaced as per grant.  Est. Cost of $100,000.


Manager’s Report: Bruce Renwick

-                      All leagues are finished.  Playoffs this week – 4 men’s teams and 2 mixed teams.

-                      Club reps for BC Club Challenge – Larry Legault and Kayleigh Alendal.

-                      Tentative dates have been reviewed and changed as needed.

-                      Last ice rental Monday, plant will be shut off after.

-       Redline will close down ammonia portion on April 1-2.

-       Closing inventories, Pro Shop pre-orders, ice paint etc. will be ordered mid April.

-       Limited response to our ice tech ad.  Informal interview tomorrow with one man.


Old Business:

-                       Budget for the 2009/2010 season was discussed.

    Moved by Laura Watson seconded by Dennis Bailey the budget be approved

    as amended.  Carried.

-                       Recruitment for new Board members done successfully by Dick Allan.

-                       Moved by Jamie Newton seconded by Larry Legault the Strategic Plan be

    approved as amended and there be $5000. set aside for strategic planning

    initiatives.  Carried.


New Business:

-                       AGM is May 28th @ 7:00 pm.

-                       2010 High School Provincials to be held Feb. 3-6, 2010.

-                       BC Mixed to be held March 15-21.

-                       Newsletter to go out in May.

-                       Booth has been reserved for the Cottonwood Mall, Aug. 28-29.

-                       International Tankard, held in Seattle with Glen Ford and Larry LeGault






Strategic Planning:

-                      Under old business


Ice Conditions:

-                      Rocks to be re-conditioned 2X a year..


Building and Maintenance:

-                      Getting quotes for new brine chiller.

-                      Carpet fixed at far side of ice.


Bonspiels and Draws:

-                      Mixed spiel was successful with 32 teams.


Finance and Funding Committee:   

-                      Apply for grants in May


Memberships and Social:

-                      Dale to arrange Golf Tournament at Aquadel.


Advertising and Sponsorship:

-                      No


Junior Curling and Clinics:

-                      Numbers have been down abit.

-                      Bring a Friend at the beginning of season.

-                      Juniors and Juveniles have done well this year in their playdowns and competitions.

-                      Thanks to Bruce and Peter for all their help. Big Thanks to Laura for her time and

   dedication to the junior program.


Vice President’s Remarks: Larry Legault

-                     None


Past President’s Remarks: Dick Allan

-                     None


Next Board Meeting is: May 11th. at 7:00 pm

President Chris Godwin adjourned the meeting at 8:50 pm.