January 7th, 2008

President Dick Allan called the regular meeting of the Board of Directors to order at 7:00 pm on January 7th, 2008.  Eleven directors were present.



                        Minutes of the November meeting were reviewed.

-           Moved by Laura Watson, seconded by Jane Adam the November minutes be adopted as circulated.  Carried.



-            Letter from the City of Chilliwack read regarding the club’s management  

   agreement which has been approved for another 5 years.

-            Letter from Curl BC read regarding the selling of calendar raffle tickets by the  

   Optimist Club.

-            BC Club Challenge deadline for entry Jan. 31 at $150 per team.


Treasurer’s Report: 

-             No report


Manager’s Report: Bruce Renwick

-           Leagues are starting second half. Schedules are done and posted.

-           Volunteer bartender lists have been posted for upcoming spiels.  Help get the spots filled or will have to pay bartenders.

-           Amanda is now on maternity leave and has een replaced by Mark Guthrie.

-             There has been 2 resumes sent in for the ice tech job.  Expecting more as other

    Ice tech contracts end.

-             BJ reconditioned the rocks again this morning(Jan.7) and will return later to show

    us what he did.  He talked to Danny about the runs in the ice. I don’t feel we can

    run our last three major spiels with the ice conditions provided by Danny.  I  

    suggest we bring in Ed Gilchrist to do the morning scrapes til the end of the


    Moved by Jane Arden seconded by Larry Simpson, we approve the

    expenditure of $5,000.00 salary for Ed Gilchrist until end of season.


-             The club coach clinic is scheduled for this Saturday.  There is still room for a

    few more people, the junior program will pay for the registration fee.

-             We absorbed some bar inventory last year form the Continental Cup, this will

    show on the profit statement from now until end of season.







Ice Committee:

-           To meet with Danny 


Building and Maintenance:

-          Cascade has fixed the flaps on roof.

-          City may help out with some of the cost of roof/building projects. 


Bonspiels and Draws:

-            Feb. 7-10 is the Men’s Spiel.


Finance and Funding Committee:    

-            No report


Memberships and Social:

-            Moved by Jane Arden seconded by Lynne Wejr membership requests by

   Terry and Pauline Cross be approved.  Carried.

-            Moved by Jane Arden seconded by Laura Watson the refund of membership

   by Fred Phillips be approved.  Carried.


Advertising and Sponsorship:



Junior Curling and Clinics:

            -      Juvenile playdowns are in Mission Jan. 11th -13th.  Boys and girls team entered.


Old Business:

-            RCMP advised it is up to each organization to determine requirements regarding

   criminal record checks for its volunteers.  There is no cost for check.

   It was agreed that once a year would be adequate for record checks.

-            Business of Curling seminar tentatively booked for Feb. 16th-17th.

-            Jane Adam brought some first aid kits to club, they are now in use.


New Business:

-            Discussion re: new by-laws.  Chris will revise draft and send out to board.

-            Website: switched to a cheaper server- $181 for 3 years.

-            Possible to sell members an email address of

-            Web design course a possibility.


Vice President’s Remarks: Chris Godwin

-           None

Past President’s Remarks: Larry Simpson

-           None



Jane Arden adjourned meeting at 8:45 pm.