May 7th, 2007

President Larry Simpson called the regular meeting of the Board of Directors to order at 7:10 pm on May 7th, 2007.  Nine directors were present.



                        Minutes of the March meeting were reviewed.

            -           Moved by Jane Arden, seconded by Laura Watson the March minutes be adopted as circulated  Carried.


Correspondence:  Jane Arden



Treasurer’s Report: Lenneke Bowles

            -           Report was handed out and reviewed.

            -           Some figures are incorrect.

            -           Moved by Lenneke Bowles, seconded by Earl Werk the report be adopted as corrected.  Carried.


Manager’s Report: Bruce Renwick

            -           Plant was shut down April 2.

            -           Curl Bc has booked level 2 ice tech. course for start of next season.  Should have ice installed to proper specs.

            -           New ice scraper on top of wish list

            -           12 summer rentals booked

            -           List of summer work to be done:

                        Jet Ice system to be installed                 Boot boy to be purchased for front door

                        Better lighting over dart boards             Metal shelves in kitchen cooler to be painted

                        Trophie case to be built for CC souvenirs

                        Couch and loveseat for TV area to be purchased

                        Sattelite TV or digital cable to be installed

            -           National Business of Curling Symposium - April 20-22

                        Well worth attending.  Suggest to form membership committee to recruit new curlers as well as keep in touch with existing members.

            -           Club could hold a garage sale before start of clinic.

            -           will make DVD of seminar available

            -           Kevin Jones is reciptient of John Roberts Memorial Bursary.

            -           Pam Jones- CSSS Scholarship.




Building and Maintenance:

            -           Still looking for more quotes for roof repair.


Advertising and Sponsorship:Doreen Roper

            -           suggestions to expand committee - have brochures, etc.


Curl BC: Marilyn McComb

            -           No report


Draws and Bonspiels: Dick Allan

            -           No report


Curling Clinic:

            -           No report


Social: Elaine Holmes

            -           Golf tournament May 27, register thru golf course

            -           prizes to be bought.


Junior Curling: Laura Watson

            -           Clinic schedules for Sept. 25/26.  Cost $10.00


Funding Committee: Dick Allan

            -           No report


Website: Chris Godwin

            -           Still looking for history/photos etc to post on website.


Ice Committee: Dick Allan

            -           To remove dividers between sheets of ice for better ice maintenance.

            -           Conditioned rocks were brought in and used for comparison with our rocks.


Memberships: Jane Arden

            -           No Report

Old Business;

            -           Personal alarm codes to be set.

            -           Men's and Women's team participated in the Pacific Challenge.

            -           Continental Cup - cheque arrived from CCA.

            -           Fred Phillips had a great time at Internationsl Tankard.  His team retained Tankard for BC.

            -           Mertins aware their sign is up.


New Business:

-           Grant Application due May 31. Larry and Lenneke have spent many hours compiling the info necessary.

-           Banners have been ordered for club.

-           Newsletter ready to be mailed.

-           AGM May 24th at 8:00 pm.

-           5 people to stand for nomination to board.

-           Discussion re: comparison of a Ice King (battery) and thomson (electronic).      


Vice President’s Remarks: Dick Allan

            -           None


Past President’s Remarks: Earl Werk

            -           None




Larry Simpson adjourned meeting at 8:30 pm

