Chilli Spiel 2009

“Chilli Stars on Broadway”


Welcome Ladies!

May You Star

In Your

Best Performance Yet!



Raffle Tickets: 1/$2 or 3/$5

3 beautiful baskets

Draw – Sat. Night/11:00

50/50 Draws: 1/$2 or 3/$5

Drawn daily & posted

Reverse Draw Team Buy-Back: $10/team

Names drawn Fri & Sat night; watch the Curling Rock

Board to see which team wins their entry back!

*Additional Sat. Night Banquet Tickets: $20 each

*Team Drink Tickets: good for wine, draft beer or high balls only



Schedule of Events:



 7:30-11:00 pm

Visit the “Studio 54 Lounge” upstairs;

Enjoy a bowl of our famous Chili;

Relax with a drink while watching a Broadway movie!

“New York, New York” Shooters 4/$10



 8:00-11:00am – Continental Breakfast upstairs

5:30pm – Banquet (teams bring your tickets) – Catered

by Lori’s Diner

7:00 pm – “Broadway Entertainment” – by

Members of our Ladies Curling Club

9:00pm-1:00am – Dance to music by

“Solowan Sound”



Final Games

Trophies and prizes for the A, B, & C Events

Prizes will be awarded to the first 4 teams in

each event.  Prizes for 3rd and 4th will not be

given out prior to completion of the finals.


Please don’t drink and drive.

Call a taxi: 604 795 9177

604 793 4444


Thank you to our Sponsors:

A Event – Waal & Co., Notaries Public

*B Event – Classic Cards – Gifts and Collectables at 45895 Wellingtion (Downtown) Chilliwack and Classic Stationary & Scrapbooking

at 45933 Alexander Ave, Chilliwack

*C Event – Décor West (Home Décor) at 46085 First Ave, Chilliwack


`*Visit these stores in between games*


Chilli Spiel Rules:

All B.C.C.A. rules will apply, except for the following:

  1. All games will be 8 ends with a bell, “EXCEPT” the semi-final & final games.  A bell will ring at 1 hour and 50 minutes.  At the time of the bell, you will complete the end you are on and play one more.  The semi-final & final games will be 8 ends and NO bell will ring.
  2. An end is finished when the final stone comes to rest.
  3. Spares will be accepted into any game providing:

-         The player has not curled in the Chilli Spiel already.

-         The position played is that of the vacated position or a lower position on the team with other team members moving up one position.

-         If a team loses a player during a game, a “sweeper” may be any person who is no longer curling or has not curled in the Chilli Spiel.  This person may sweep only.

  1. In case of a tie, play one or more extra ends until a winner is determined.
  2. Rinks will be penalized one point for each 10 minutes they are late and one end will be counted as played. The offending team will lose last rock advantage.  After 30 minutes, the game will be forfeited.



Winning teams, please clean the ice after your game.

Thank you


Thank you to our Team Committees for

all their hard work in bringing you this great event:

Co-ordinator – Aretha Westenenk

Welcome/Program – Marilyne Marshall

Trophies/Sponsor – Jane Adam

Breakfast – Barb Kroeker

Raffle Baskets/50:50 – Kelly Jones

Chili – Laura Watson

Prizes – Erin Light

Decorations – Colleen Korbeld, Doreen Jones, Chwk, Senior Girls

Draw – Linda Palm