Present:  Andre Anglehart Lenneke Bowles Adam Dyck, Larry Legault, Wendi Prinse, Bruce Renwick, Gary Roberts,

                        Dave Stephenson,

Regrets:  Norm Estey, Joanne Kern, Bobby Neid, , Neil Long, Fred Snooks



1.0    Meeting called to order by Larry at 6:52 pm

2.0    It was moved by Bobby and 2nd by Joanne that the Minutes of Dec. 16, 2015 be accepted as amended. CARRIED

3.0    There was no business arising from the minutes

4.0     Correspondence:  It was moved by Dave and 2nd by Andre that we accept the membership applications from Renee Battaglio and Johnny Battaglio. Carried.  Information received from: CCA – 2015 Volunteer of the Year Application, Travelers’ Canada Loves Curling Photo Contest, CCA Funding Information and Royal City Mixed Bonspiel.


5.1   Volunteer Appreciation – Bruce and Andre to coordinate a date possibly in April


6.1   Replacement TV – Quote from Larry for a 60” Samsung presented.  Moved by Dave and 2nd by Andre to replace the upstairs lounge TV.  Carried.

6.2   Intl. tankard Representatives:   Executive will deal with choosing two.

6.3   Facebook Administration.  Vicki Williams and Melinda Saretsky would like to take this one. Agreed.



Lenneke reported that we are on track and our cash position remains strong.


1.       Interclub Masters went well.  8 Teams

2.       ICBC – great event.  4 teams. Bar up 40%.  Moved date to end of January for next year.

3.       Chillispiel – 22 teams.  Same as last year.  Bar down 5%

4.       Flooded this weekend.  Melting in time for Men’s.

5.       Proposed dates for next year presented

6.       Thank you for the Christmas Bonuses on behalf of myself and staff.  Appreciated

7.       Travellers – no entries.  No cheque sent at this time.  Jim Mann notified. Not happy.

8.       Questions or concerns?

9.       Glen Ford Team – A Winner at Delta Mixed

10.    Steve Strahdee  Team – A Winner at Langely.



9.1   Awards Committee:  Wendi to send out reminders about Bursary applications.

9.2   Bonspiels & Leagues Committee: 

9.2.1                       Larry gave a detailed report on membership stats.

9.2.2                       New Spare Policy signage has  been posted

9.3   Building & Facility Enhancement Committee:  There is a new sign on the ice. 

9.4   Executive Committee: Issued Christmas Bonuses

9.5   Finance & Revenue Generation Committee:  n/a

9.6   Ice Conditions Committee:  n/a

9.7   Juniors & Clinics Committee:  Wendi and Joanne working on a flyer for Rocks & Rings distribution

9.8   Membership Recruitment & Retention Committee:  n/a 

9.9   Curl BC:  there will be an American flag available for the Tankard.  Feb 21st is the Manager’s and Presidents meeting in Marpole.  Please be aware of Society Act Changes coming.

9.10                         Social Committee:  n/a

9.11                         New Building Committee:  Construction should be starting in fall 2017 with expected move in fall 2018.  Need to get Room Specs for RFP.  It will be a standalone Curling Club located next door to present location.  Art Sutherland has been hired as the Consultant.


10.0                          REMARKS

10.1                        – Past/Vice President:  Chilliwack team won the Mixed in Langley

10.2                         - President: Looking forward to the Men’s Bonspiel


11.0                          NEXT MEETING:  March 2, 2016  .  Time TBA

12.0                  Meeting adjourned at 7:42 pm.